Why is Electronic Recycling Important?

The electronic industry has experienced tremendous growth over the past few years. But, it has also given a boost to the problem of electronic waste or e-waste. Electronic recycling is helpful to get rid of e-waste. Let’s know the importance of e-waste recycling and removal - Electronic waste is a rich source of raw material. It contains deposits of precious metals which makes it richer than the ores mined from the earth. Electronic industry has boomed over the past few years. Various electronic products have a short life span, which becomes waste. Recycling e-waste will help in saving the space in landfills, which are filled with the solid electronic waste. Electronic waste contains toxic substances such as the lead, mercury, and chromium. It is not safe to burn this waste as it will release the harmful substances that will make the air toxic. It may also lead to land pollution as the toxic substance will degrade the land quality. So, it’s better to recycle the e-waste.