How to Reduce Electronic Waste?

Electronic waste (e-waste) is discarded electrical or electronic device that is no longer of any use. It is harmful to our environment and leads to adverse human and environmental damages. Electronics recycling is gaining popularity as it helps to fight the problem of e-waste. So, can we reduce electronic waste? Yes, we can do our bit. In this column, we will share some simple tips to reduce e-waste. Sell old electronics – If you are buying a new electronic gadget, don’t throw the old one. If it is still working you can sell it at a lower price. Also, it is good to donate that product to someone who needs it. Maintaining electronics – Buying new electronics is not only about money. You should learn to take care of your devices. Take care of them and maintain your electronics to increase their life. It is also a step to reducing e-waste. Re-evaluate – Think twice before buying a new electronic device. Do you really need it? If the answer is ‘no’ drop t...